6 Most Frequently asked questions

How much will the Housing repair service cost me?

Zero, Nothing, Nil, Not a penny!!!

The Housing repair action service will not cost you anything and we will not ask for any payment from you.

Any of the costs incurred by us getting your Landlord to make repairs to your home will be paid by them.

There is absolutely no risk of cost to you by letting us work on your behalf.

Can Housing Repair Action help to get me compensation for my losses?

Yes, you may be entitled to significant amounts of compensation for the losses that you have suffered.

We may also be able to claim for damages to your belongings and furnishings.

How much compensation can I get?

Every case is different but we will always strive to get you the very highest levels of compensation possible.

Our caring experts will advise you as your case progresses of the likely sums that you may be entitled to receive.

When will my repairs be carried out?

The Housing repair service will ensure that all the agreed repairs will be carried by your Landlord in the shortest possible timescale.

These will be in accordance with an agreed time schedule & to an acceptable standard.

The sooner that you call us, the quicker we can your case underway.

Will using the Housing repair action service affect my tenancy?

Absolutely Not. Your Council or Social Housing Landlord are legally obliged to repair your home.

Taking repair action cannot and will not affect either your current tenancy nor that of any future tenancy that you apply for.

You are not asking for anything that you are not entitled to ask for.

When should I contact the Housing repair service?

Contact us without delay, the sooner you get in touch, the sooner we can help you get your repair action carried out.

We will do our best to evaluate your case as quickly as possible and devise a bespoke action plan to get your repair action claim underway without delay.

You have been waiting long enough for your Landlord to take responsibility and to stop ignoring your legal rights.